Little kid equals BIG KID
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Little kid equals BIG KID

with Su Bratchie

Carol: I’m Carol from the team at CJG Wellness and this is our first video chat but it’s really a new venture that we’re doing and we’re really excited to do it. Yeah but we’re going to have a videos every Monday, on the second Monday of the month and they’re all about Health Wellness. What we found is that we’ve been finding knowledge and information about Health and Wellness and we would like to share it with you. So we’ve got specialist speakers who are coming on every month and they’re going to be talking about their passion.

Our first one is my lovely friend Su Bratchie and she is going to be talking about giving us some information about ‘Little kid equals BIG KID’ but first before we get into that, Su would you introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about your background?

Su: Oh yes. So Su Bratchie, down the bottom there. Temple Care TLC – all things to do with our body is the temple and our temple is our body. I thank you so much for inviting me to come on and to speak to you and your lovely members. I’m looking forward to it.

A little bit about me. I’m an aroma therapist. I’m a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists International, Federation of Aroma Therapists but more than that, from 2006 I worked in schools and I worked with troubled families as a level four key worker and I worked in schools and with children that have been excluded. So that’s my background and how you marry those two together will come out as we go on.

Carol: Oh great, Su. Yes, I know from working as a teacher myself, how challenging children can be. So it’s going to be really interesting to find out ‘coz I understand that you have looked at a study, ‘Adverse Childhood Effects.’ The ACE study. Can you tell us a little bit more about that?

Su: Yes. So during my journey of my… ‘coz I wasn’t always well. So my own personal wellness journey coincided with my work as well and I used a lot of different tools and one of the things that came up that really captured my attention was the ‘Adverse Childhood Effects Studies’ and this was a study in the 90’s in America, where they discovered… it’s a bit like the roots of a tree and this is why I call my program and what I talk about and how I help my clients, ‘Little kid equals BIG KID’ is a bit like the roots to a tree. A child lives what they learn. All that sort of thing but it’s about adverse childhood experiences, the ACES studies show that the outcomes of children have experienced quite a lot of trauma, due to many reasons. It really does affect them and so it affects us and so that one really stood out to me, the ACES study.

Carol: Ah fascinating, yes. Now I understand that you’ve made it into a 12-month therapy. Why was that?






Su: Because we don’t get into the mess that we get into quickly and for most of us are very, very busy, especially since we’ve come out of a very challenging time for a lot of us. We’re now back to being busy again, you know, quite frankly. So as we don’t end up in a mess, I mean my message comes out of my own mess. There’s no two ways about it. So I wasn’t always well and I wasn’t always holistically as well balanced in how I feel today. So my journey is all wrapped up in that and then like you’ve set out share with your members and thank you for coming on and watching today. You know, you can make it shorter because if you wanted to make the 12 modules into 12 weeks, you could but I just think that we get more out of looking at it as a 12-month step-by-step module, on untangling ourselves and looking at where we may have been programmed at that very early age. Where we were so susceptible to taking on other peoples’ opinions about us and there’s a reason for that, which I could go into.

Carol: Yes, yeah. That’s fascinating, isn’t it? Now as I understand it, you use oils with this, as well. Could you just explain how the oils are involved with your study and this therapy, in particular?

Su: Well the interesting part of my journey of Wellness, was meeting people that pointed me in the right direction of using essential oils and essential oils work with our bodies because they are carbon and we’re carbon. We’re also frequency and electric and they have a frequency to lift us up and so, you know, if you’re feeling a bit down, you know, aroma can lift you. So part of my journey to get well was using essential oils and aroma and when I looked into this study about ‘little kid equals BIG KID’ and I realised that as children our brains are… we’re all like sponges and there's a reason for that. Our brains are in the theta mode, which is very programmable and it's what hypnotists use to programme you into a new way of being or deprogram you. So I will always do the same door oils and clear receptor sites. They sort of help us find limiting beliefs because how the aroma works is… you’re walking down the street, you’re smelling aroma and you have a memory of something. So if you can be programmed by aroma to remember something… I use aroma to help people reprogram from limiting constant internal dialogue that we may have grown up with and also getting to journal, as well, to capture those thoughts and write down, you know, what you’re thinking every day, ‘coz thoughts become things. So aroma, thoughts, re-programming using aroma is very, very powerful.

Carol: Yes, yes. Oils are very powerful. I understand that and it’s amazing how we’ve been made and how that can be clear and work things through. So with a ‘little kid equals BIG KID’ what is it that you're actually offering people?





Su: Well to start with, it would be the offer to your members would be a half price session but I’ll mention it at the end of our chat. At this point I think I’m just to say, within a session, my sessions to start with, this offer would be a half price offer for an hour and to look at maybe doing the ACE studies questionnaire and look at that side of it. I mean myself, I didn’t have one ACE. I mean the ACE studies… I’ll show you now on the screen what it picks up. So I’m just going to share my screen and this will show you generally and there will be a link below to this form and it will be very clear. So what we’re looking at the first of the ACE studies; physical abuse, sexual abuse, verbal abuse, emotional neglect, physical neglect and also what sort of effect it would have on a child at that highly programmable age. To live with drug or drink abuse, domestic violence, parents that have left you or parents or carers, you know, that sort of brokenness, attachment disorders. All of those things affect us as children and we often take that from being a little kid into us as ‘BIG KIDS’. So when I say ‘BIG KID,’ I mean adults. I mean Grown Ups. So ‘little kid equals BIG KIDS.’ So what I’m offering people, is to look at what subconsciously, from being a little kid, could affect you now and to give you just an example, it’s not all about adverse childhood experiences because the one thing that this subject, this study doesn’t do, is show the actual positive effect that just one person in your life, as an adult, a good positive person in your life, that would encourage you or something, that even if you had all of these, if you had one person that believed in you that can affect your outcome too. So for me, I didn’t have any adverse childhood experiences but I rejected myself. So I didn’t have a very good identity and so using the oils with the limbic area of my brain and the limbic area is where your emotions and memories are stored. So I got programmed, as a child, with a poor self-image. So for me, I rejected my name because I rejected my image and so that was part of my healing journey or my restoration journey, if you like not healing but putting myself back together and that’s what I do. It’s a bit like Humpty Dumpty fell off a wall and all the broken pieces, and putting it all back together again. A bit like a computer. I’ll just share this. So you’re looking at a computer, our brains are very much like that and so when you’re looking for a virus, you identify the virus, you remove the virus, you reprogram. In between that you might do a defrag and that’s what I’m saying when I looked at all the fragments of me. The bits I had rejected my identity. So within my programme I look at the core belief, the identity. I use the adverse childhood experiences. I use a bit of CBT. Thoughts become feelings become actions. All of these things that I learned in school, combined with the powerful use of very powerful essential oils, the aroma, the limbic area of our brain and frequency is absolutely amazing and what I didn’t say at the beginning is, like you, I’m a Biofeedback Practitioner and it’s the same sciences Fitbit and Samsung and the lie detector test and some of the things that I incorporate in identifying the issues between ‘little kids equals BIG KID.’ What, where we’re at as a BIG KID. I use biofeedback and so we’re going to ask the body some questions, as well because it’s the subconscious I’m after. The subconscious is where we live from. When you drive now you’re trained to drive, as you know Carol but you’re not always thinking about your driving now, are you?

Carol: No, no, no.

Su: You just do it.

Carol: Yeah, yes. That’s absolutely true.

Su: And that’s how we live our lives.

Carol: Yeah. Thank you. I was just thinking about the ACE report. Could you make it bigger? So that we could actually see the triangle and just have a quick look at what those different areas are?

Su: A good copy of this will be made available on your website or maybe under this talk, and what is, the outcomes that can be affected, even life expectancy and so you’ve got, right at the bottom, the adverse childhood experiences and then one of the things…

Carol: That’s the right one, isn’t it? Right at the bottom.

Su: Yeah, yeah. One of the things is the neurological impact that it has on people. That is why I do ‘little kid equals BIG KID’ and that is why I use aroma and the mind because the neurological, the programming, the way we think, all comes from that very vulnerable age of when we’re programmed to our culture, the thoughts of people around us, their attitude towards money. All of these can cause limiting beliefs for us later on as BIG KIDS.

Carol: Yes, thank you. Maybe you can stop screen sharing now. Thank you.

I think, as Su has said, that will be available on my website in the members area. So that you can pick that up. Yeah that’s really interesting about how you can the use the comparison with the computer and how we can defrag that and that’s what really what we’re doing, you’re doing, using the oils. Which particular oils would you suggest would be good ones that you would use for this?

Su: For this, I use… because all the oils… there’s an introvert… I must share… I mean, for those of you that like the scripture, there’s Revelation 22:22. Where it says, ‘The leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations and some of the essential oils are even more powerful. They can be up to… oh gosh 40 to 60 times more potent than herbs and so a lot of the leaves of the trees are for food and so a lot of… you know, we’re carbon, they’re carbon. Its plant based stuff. So all of these things work. They’ve also work chemically, though. They’ve got a chemical constitution. So in ancient times, these are ancient way, they knew they were…

Carol: Yes. Absolutely. Yeah.

Su: They knew they worked. Now with the combination of science, we know how they work and so I’m going to breakdown the chemical constituents for you. They won’t mean a lot but I’m just going to read why I use… and one of the ways I remember it is PMS but actually it’s phenols, sesquiterpenes and monoterpenes. They all work in a different way.

Carol: That’s you… they’re all chemicals aren't they?

Su: All chemicals. Yes and so they work chemically with us and we’re chemicals as well. So the phenols work by clearing the cellular receptor sites. They seek out and analyse our thoughts and feelings. So as to say smells very powerful to accessing emotions and our memories and then the sesquiterpenes would be… they help us deprogramme. So, as you're smelling it and you think that sometimes we attach smells to events and so that's a memory. So, if we want to undo a memory and make new ones, this is how we do it. We use aroma to make new memories.

Carol: Yeah.

Su: So yeah. So sesquiterpenes help to deprogram lies, false identity, lost identity information and eliminate all cellular distortions and they help us when we’re forgiving ourselves. Everything is repetition. That’s why I say, the 12 months is quite important. We didn’t end up this way, I didn’t end up unwell in five minutes .

Carol: No, no.

Su: …and so sometimes the 12 months is well worth taking. Helping us forgive ourselves, you know cause oftentimes that will hold us back and then you know once you’ve forgiven yourself, you could think about forgiving others. A lot of us, I know your members, will already know this. So we’re having this conversation but for those that maybe haven’t thought about it, some of the words I’m using, like core beliefs. I didn’t know what core belief was.

Carol: No.

Su: I didn’t know how that was impacting me subconsciously. Aroma’s important in that and then we come to the monoterpenes, which restore us back to our original intent and I use them to restore the memory of perfection in every aspect of our being. Like with me, I had brokenness with my childhood, with rejecting myself.

Carol: Yeah.

Su: …and now I’ve totally taken on-board the ‘little me,’ the ‘medium me.’ You know it’s all come back and so I’m well, in a much more holistic way. There's no broken bits, here and there and all over the place.

Carol: No. Well, that’s fascinating. So are their specific oils that we could use?

Su: Yes there are. All sorts. All our oils are for different reasons. Some oils are antibacterial, antiviral but then when you come to the emotions, there are oils like lavender, that would calm you down. One of the guys that I learnt quite a lot from, is a clinical psychologist and he uses a memory release concoction that he put together from research. Like on lavender and frankincense and we have an oil with our brand partner of choice. I’ve chosen Young Living Oils because they’re so, so powerful. They are not the ones you can buy in the health food shop. They’re not just aroma. They’re not perfume. They’re more than that. They have all these powerful properties. They’re totally pure and one of the things that he… he set up a programme called ‘aroma reset technique.’ So I’m not alone. I mean, he’s a psychologist. So I’m an aroma therapist and I use them but there are now psychologists that recognise the place the aroma can take. The right powerful oils. So you know you need the powerful oils, unadulterated oils. You can’t go putting any oil on your body without knowing because there’s the safety aspect of it, as well.

Carol: Yes, yes. No, I mean you do need to know the in’s and out’s of the oils that you’re using. So that’s… yeah that’s great.

Su: Again, Carol, that information can be found on your website, you know.

Carol: Oh yes. Good point.

Su: Information can be found on your website. Why, you know, our why’s. Why we choose that particular brand.

Carol: Yeah.

Su: The original brands.

Carol: Yeah, yeah. No. Very good. Yes, so that’s great. Thank you. Thank you for explaining that and about the oils. So what actually is it that you’re offering with the ‘little kid equals BIG KID’ therapy? Yeah.





Su: Yeah. So what I’m actually offering today, is a one-to-one session, for up to an hour. Half price, one-to-one session, to look at the ACES study and to do a questionnaire and to see if any things can be identified quickly, and just a chat around some helpful tips about what you could do to start your journey. Some of you may be well. I wasn’t well. I needed some work done emotionally, mentally and for me a lot of mine was subconscious. So what I’m actually offering is an hour session, zoom session, to look and see if there’s anything subconsciously that may come up. Just to give people a pointer and a starter in the right direction, really. As many people did for me and that’s one of the passions and one of the drivers and one of the great things about what you’re offering to your members is, because we’ve had a journey, you know, we’ve been there. You know, I mean I’ve been a mess and now the message is in my mess. I want to share that with others because there is a way of putting yourself back together, you know. You know, our bodies are created to heal themselves, given the right tools, given the right fuel. You know, we can do this. You know. You know, we can’t have a victim mentality, a blame mentality. We can do this and it’s great that you’re offering this to your members and that’s what I’m offering as a starter, really. It’s a starter. A starting point and a thought provoking… It’s to get you thinking really, ‘coz thoughts become things and how you're thinking and just to give someone a clue of what to do to capture those thoughts, and to see what’s hidden in your heart. That’s the other thing. You know, ‘as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.’ I had no idea that these things were buried subconsciously in my heart and in my mind and when you get your heart right, your mind right and your words right and they’re all married and working together, a bit might like me putting together aromatherapy with ‘little kids stuff equals BIG KID.’ Helping people put themselves back together. So, I don’t want people to become dependent upon me. You know, I’m a signpost. I want to empower people to be the best they can be and that’s what I did in schools and that’s what I want to do now as a private practitioner.

Carol: Yes, yes. No but yeah. It’s really good. So let’s… and all these things…

Su: …in fact, I can say something there actually. This is actually… just really… I’ve remembered something. This is what happens, you see. I’ve got all the aromas going on around me. I’ve done some lavender and some peace and calming, and some clarity, and something’s just come to my mind. One of my drivers was, when I looked at the little children and how they lived and where they lived, and how that affected their behaviour, I then put together how my little kid experiences still affected my behaviour. I mean I’m 64 this year and I’m very, very well now. Thank you very much. I’m reminded of that song, “When I’m 64’. When I’m 64 I’m very happy. I’m not old and you know, I’m refired. I have given up my schools job but I’ve refired but I looked at the children and I looked… that’s us. That’s still us, you know and so when I looked at the little kids and I looked at my big kids, and I thought, ‘You know what? If I use the aroma the way I know to use the aroma and the essential oils holistically, body, soul and spirit. If I use them and some of the other tools I learned, like CBT, journaling, various other things, like brick on brick, you know, that we can do step, by step, by step, we can do this. We can and that’s why I say, really 12 months but if you want to do that quicker, you can but yeah… Just a starting. What I’m offering is a starting point and a little bit of food for thought.

Carol: Yes. And of course the journaling is so good. I found that, that if you start writing down your thoughts it’s amazing where it comes out, where you’re going and what you’re thinking of you and how it’s working, and I think you’ve got a list haven’t you of different things that people can do and that will be also at the end, in the members group?

Su: Yes. There’s some little pointers, you know. Things that I would also discuss in the half price, one-to-one and also are opened up a lot bigger in the 12… in the 12 step-by-step things, you know, over the 12 months.

Carol: Yes but people can actually see a list of different ideas, as well, members group, ‘coz you…

Su: Yes.

Carol: …got the list. That’s really good of you, Su. Yes.

Well, I think that is amazing. Thank you for coming on, Su and…

Su: Thank you for having me.

Carol: … yes. For all the information that you have shared.

Su: Yeah, I look forward to hearing from your other speakers and visiting your members’ area regularly, to see what you’re up to and who you’ve got coming on.





Carol: Yes and I would encourage those of you who are here today, to actually share the word because there’s going to be some amazing more speakers coming on and you know, we need to be dealing with our Wellness. Finding out how we can move forward in our lives and not just get stuck. I mean, I really appreciate the fact that you said that you were a mess because I think that so often we can end up in a mess and just feel, ‘What can we do about it?’ There’s nothing. I’ve just got to live with this but you’re showing us one of the ways that we can use to move to get out of that message. Like, ‘be restored’ and that’s what I find really exciting and interesting.

So, thank you, Su, for all the wonderful things that you’ve been sharing today and I hope everybody listening that this… I mean, I know it will benefit you. So please visit my website visit to CJG Wellness website, to see our brand partner, Young Living and all the other products that are available there. That would be great. So, I just want to remind people to put any questions they’ve got, in the private members’ group because soon I will be doing a live talk…

Su: Carol, they can also put them in chat here. So members can put them in the chat and then you and I will have look and answer them.

Carol: Yeah. Thank you very much. Yeah. So I think…

This is Carol from the team at CJG Wellness, saying bye for now.

Oh just before I go… I do want to say that we will be having Su again, ‘coz there’s even more things I know that she can share.

So, thank you, Su and bye for now, everybody. We’ll see you again next month.

I am an Aromatherapist Itovi & Zyto Balance Bio Feedback, & Releasing Toxic Emotions Practitioner. I use these modalities to support mine, and my client's wellness.

With regular Bio Feedback Scan's we can identify where our bodies are stressed, what products your body responds positively to during a scan, this then helps to ensure that

support is targeted to the emotional or structural system shown in the Scan. I am a Qualified

Holistic & Natural Health Therapist Certified Aromatherapist, Bio-Feedback Practitioner & Releasing Toxic Emotions Therapist (RTE)

I am also affiliated to the EARTHING REVOLUTION in the UK and plan to be a Certified

Earthing /Grounding Coach in the near future.


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