Beeutiful Bees
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Beeutiful Bees

Updated: Oct 26, 2022

Remember when your parents would say to you “you have been a busy little bee” whenever you got up to some mischief? Well, our topic this month, or should I say our guests this month, are none other than the real busy bees.

Yes, we will talk about the health benefits of the bees and their famous product, ‘Honey’. We all hear and maybe know about the health benefits of our little furry winged friends, but we will just touch on a few in this article.

One of the many famous benefits of raw honey is its antioxidant properties. The bees go from plant to plant, bringing with it the different plant chemicals that contain antioxidants. Research has shown that a compound found in raw honey called polyphenols has anti-inflammatory properties that help with a few conditions that stem from oxidative stress. Antioxidants help with the fight against free radicals that cause several health issues. And best of all, raw honey contains bee propolis and bee pollen. Did we mention antioxidants help repair cell damage? Well, they do.

Another significant benefit of raw honey is that it contains a lot of micronutrients that are great for the body. Examples of these micronutrients are: Calcium, Phosphorus, Niacin, Zinc, Riboflavin, Potassium, Magnesium, and Manganese. We will touch on one nutrient. Magnesium is very vital to the muscle and nerve system, it also helps with energy production.

Raw honey is also has antifungal and antibacterial properties. A very long time ago, honey was used as an antibiotic to help with wounds, and some studies show it has anti-inflammatory properties that stimulate immune responses in a wound. So honey is amazing for both topical and internal use. The Forever Aloe Propolis cream is a great example of a topical cream used for its antibacterial properties.

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in raw honey can be great for the brain as well. It helps the hippocampus area of the brain that helps with memory. It aids or may aid inflammation in that part of the brain.

Honey is also amazing for the skin. It helps to rejuvenate, and it gives the skin a supple look. The Forever Aloe Propolis cream is one that is highly recommended for great looking skin.

To end our post for this month, we have a few bee products that come highly recommended and they are from the stable of the Forever Living Products company. The Bee Propolis nutritional tablets, the Forever Honey Bee, the Forever Bee Pollen, and the Royal Jelly are great products to try out for the great nutritional value you get from raw honey.

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